Page 61 - Issue 46
P. 61
Example 3: Headlight air cleaner
(18 gauge steel)
This was a spare 1940 Chevy
headlight bucket we had sitting
around and wanted to make
something cool. Started fi rst with
a tagboard template & laid out the
planned work on the steel. Using
multiple color sharpies to signify
different things is helpful. Once the
basic shapes are cut & planned then
the shaping begins. I used a Mittler
Bros Planishing hammer to achieve
the compound curves and transition
pieces needed here.
If you’re experienced, you
can also do similar things with
a bead roller and a tank/radius
dies. Additionally a “bullnose”
bar, hammer/dolly, or other round To see additional projects and
objects can also be used as basic tutorial style fabrication content
forming dies. More work is needed feel free to visit my YouTube at
on this piece yet, but it’s a good
example of a more advanced tinman2kustoms or
style project because of the tricky follow the Tinman 2 Kustoms
compound curves. page on Facebook.
58x61tinman.indd 61 9/29/17 9:07 AM