Page 80 - Issue 46
P. 80
from Pastor David
His Peace feet high roaring fl ames. I jumped Spirit gave me a simple little “Yes”
Are you hearing this? The Holy
out and squirted my fi re extinguisher
prayer to ask and God granted it
until it was empty. In an answer to
prayer, a man stopped and threw me before I even fi nished the thought.
ast time we talked about his extinguisher and put out the fi re. Note: The Holy Spirit would not
how God will never leave The man said later he had bought it have passed this on to me unless He
us. He does not abandon the day before. But as you can tell knew there was gold to be had.
from the picture, the damage was
There are things in your life you
LHis children. He sent His already done. are carrying on your shoulders. Your
Holy Spirit to live in us so we No one was hurt. We towed the 41 knees are on the verge of buckling
would have a full life of joy to the show and had Church at 11:00 as and yet there you are trying to carry
and peace. planned. it all by yourself. He is standing right
If you know me and this old 41
We are to Love our Chev Fishin Truck, you know we have beside you wanting to help. Pride is a
killer isn’t it?
neighbor but fi rst we must spent countless hours, miles and “For my yoke is easy and my
learn what love is by loving stories together. I was devastated. burden is light.”
Him with everything we are. The rest of that day I was in shock I have been telling people for years
That includes trusting Him and mourning. I hitched a ride home that if we are straining, popping out
completely. Just to clarify that afternoon and could not think of blood vessels, grunting and groaning
anything else but my loss.
in our job or ministry, we are probably
what that entails, it is “with all “What am I going to do now?” “I doing it all on our own. We are His
your heart and with all your cannot afford this.” “How can I ever most precious creation. IF we have
soul and with all your mind.” fi x this?” “Is this the end of a chapter asked Him into our lives, we will never
or worse, the book?” All this and be alone again. It has always been our
Disclaimer: more was going through my head. choice.
Question everything written here. Oh I know what the Bible says about Ask Him for peace in your situation.
God has given me the unique leeway to being anxious and worried but this If you haven’t already ask Him into
write or say things for you to ponder. was The 41! your life, right this very minute is a
Please go to Him for answers. He is I decided to take a shower and try great time to do it.
waiting to hear from you. to clear my head a bit. That is when it
happened. I didn’t hear anything out This ole world needs hope. He wants
Now this isn’t about head loud but I did hear an internal audible to work with you to make that happen.
knowledge and memorizing scripture. voice say, “Have you asked God for a Keep them cards and letters coming.
This is about relationship. A one- peace about this?”
on-one, joined at the hip, living “Have you asked God for a peace
together, married sort of relationship. about this?” “God loves you so much He cannot
Remember folks, IF we said “Yes” You know God never asks a keep His eyes off of you.”
to Him then we are now sons and question He does not already know
daughters of The King. This is the the answer to. Of course I had not
foundation that everything in your life asked for peace so I began to form
will rest upon. the question in my mind and before
On 3 September we were in I could fi nish the thought . . . all the
Mahtowa, MN for the annual Rat Rod anxiousness, all the fretting, all the loss
Rendezvous Car Show. It was my was gone. I had to sit down. It was as
5th anniversary of this event and also if a train had been lifted off of me with
my 5th year with Rat Rod Magazine. one powerful whoosh. God had given
Church on the tailgate was planned for me peace.
11:00 that morning. Take a look at the picture again.
On downwind to the show, 200 The 41 is still burned. It is still beyond
yards away from parking, I smelled my ability to do the electrical. It will
fuel and a moment later the 41 burst be parked in the yard for who knows
into fl ames. When I say fl ames, I how long. All this is true BUT, I have
mean a 47psi supply of 91 octane 10 peace about the whole thing. It is His
truck anyway.
80 Word.indd 80 9/29/17 7:46 AM