Page 76 - Issue 46
P. 76
We also U bent a piece of
22 gauge to run from the
bottom of the dash to the
top of the tranny tunnel.
bends easy and is strong enough the existing Willy’s dash and plate of seats you can find Mike Carr
for this. If you don’t have access over the worn out and broken on Facebook or the net at: Iron
to a bender you can hand bend instrument panel. We also U bent Ace Hot Rod Seats@Iron Ace Hot
these with a Oxygen cylinder or a piece of 22 gauge to run from Rod. The last pic gives you an
something else round. It takes the bottom of the dash to the idea of how the cockpit is coming
a few rolls on the ground but it top of the tranny tunnel. This together. This concludes this
can be done. For our shifter we gives a place for all the buttons section of the Willy’s build for now
found a manual shifter at a swap and switches. We left the original and next issue we will set up the
meet for $20.00 and cut the rear steering wheel and column steering and mount the radiator
leg off, leaving only the front one. because it was still good and and fans and mount the grill and
The amount of throw in a stick looked pretty cool as well. We head lights. For questions contact
shift is perfect to get all gears on normally do make shift seats but us at Ringrods Hot Rod Shop
an automatic. The linkage can be this time we did not. Our good or on Facebook at Tommy Lee
make from rods. This will save you friend Mike Carr at Iron Ace Hot Ring......Happy RatRodding until
the 200 plus dollars for a store- Rod Seats, donated a killer set next time. Tommy Ring RingRods
bought shifter. We decided to use of red buckets. If you need a set Hot Rod Shop
74x77 TommysToolbox.indd 76 9/29/17 7:55 AM