Page 75 - Issue 46
P. 75
With motor jigged up and tied, it’s easy to get
$500.00. This gives me the whole drive train with With motor jigged up and tied, it’s easy to get
rear-end and all, then scrap the rest. In the case of a length from motor to frame and cut these pieces
this jeep, I found a 1995 Chevy 350 in a rock crawler at 45 degrees. With one end welded to frame and
for $500.00. He couldn’t keep it running because one to mount, we’re set to go. The tranny was set
the injectors were messed up, but it did run enough on a jack and positioned for the 6 degrees needed
to know it was a good motor. He did by the way, with a straight edge back to the rear-end. You can
come down to $400.00. The next week I found go a little more than 6 but do not go less. Less
a 350 tranny at a swap meet for $100.00. Bingo, will keep you buying U-Joints. The trans mount is
there’s my $500.00 I was trying to stay at. The TBI around $10.00 and well worth not taking chances.
was instantly changed to a four-barrel carb and The mount was bolted to a piece of ⁄8” x 4” strap
manifold which cured the gas problems. and welded to either side of the frame. This allows
Now to set all this up. With drive train on a plenty of support and gives you the ability to pull the
cherry picker, you can play with the height to see tranny by unbolting the mount anytime you want to.
where you want it. For my likings, I prefer a motor The next step is to get a measurement for tail shaft
to sit high in the cradle. Low sitting motors look to rear-end for your driveshaft. We have an excellent
like misfits for one thing and for another, it’s easier driveshaft business in Nashville that will cut and weld
to get the 6 degrees of pitch we need for the drive your driveshaft for $250.00. The next small town to
shaft if it sits higher rather than lower. I jigged up me outside of Nashville has a mom and pop machine
the motor and tranny to sit where I wanted and shop that will do the same for $50.00. Guess where
then tied it in place until I could get mounts on it. I get mine done? You could do all of this yourself but
I want some cushion so I got older Chevy motor balancing it will be an issue!
mounts and cut some of the left over 2 x 3 x ⁄8 With drive train in place you can now build your
tubing used for the frame to make the mounts. tunnel to cover the trans and driveshaft. 22 gauge
74x77 TommysToolbox.indd 75 9/29/17 7:54 AM