Page 71 - Issue 46
P. 71

For over twenty years I have been attending car or over twenty years I have been attending car
                                                                         shows at a frantic pace; driving all over, going
                                                                         to as many car shows as time would allow. Road
                                                                         trips to car shows are something that I’ve always
                                                                         loved. When I was 14, my dad gave me the tin
                                                                         bodied Canon FJ he bought in Vietnam. I lugged
                                                                         that clunky SLR beast around for years, taking
                                                                         thousands of terrible pictures. Thousands of dollars
                                                                         wasted on over-exposed and out of focus fi lm. Then
                                                                         digital photography came along, so I can take ten
                                                                         times the number of terrible pictures. About ten
                                                                         years ago I was toiling away on forums, trying to
                                                                         fi nd a way to get into print. I was searching for an
                                                                         outlet for my hobby when I met founder Steve-O
                                                                         online after Rat Rod Magazine #1 came out.
                                                                            The fi rst opportunity Editor Steve offered me
                                                                         was in issue # 2. RRM ran a few pics from Pistons
                                                                         and Paint 2010 presented by The Chupacabras
                                                                         CC in Denton, Texas. SO, we're coming full circle
                                                                         to talk about the 15th Annual Pistons and Paint,
                                                                         to entice you into attending in 2017. Denton is a
                                                                         great little double college town with lots of bars,
                                                                         breweries, and good times. 7 years later, the
                                                                         show is better than ever, and we want y'all to be
                                                                         part of it. Really, we do!
                                                                            Last year's event was packed with over 500
                                                                         cars. The show is always held in the Denton
                                                                         County Fairgrounds, in the cool green pasture
                                                                         next to the livestock coral. The Paladins, the
                                                                         roots rockabilly greasers from California played,
                                                                         along with Dylan Bishop and the Stratoliners.
                                                                         Over 3000 spectators came through the gates,
                                                                         which seemed like a sea of people in just a few
                                                                         short hours. There was a valley of vendors along
                                                                         with a display of 75 antique motorbikes. All for
                                                                         the price of a little blue paper bracelet!
                                                                            Soooo here's where things take a turn.... On
                                                                         Sunday, the Chupacabras throw the proceeds
                                                                         back at the crowd. That little disposable wristband
                                                                         gets you into the *free* Send Off Party, with THE
                                                                         legendary Dale Watson and a few friends! Over a
                                                                         hundred guests enjoyed all you can eat hamburgers
                                                                         and brats on the beautiful downtown square. There
                                                                         was Chicken Shit Bingo too and that is a good time!
                                                                            So, consider coming on down to "Little D"
                                                                         this November. Roy Orbison was here. Meat Loaf
                                                                         was here. Don Henley was here. Come leave your
                                                                         weird mark here too!

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     71

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