Page 63 - Issue 32
P. 63
Something to ponder
from Pastor David
ike everyone who draws a breath, there was a time instead of the fruit of some of our activities, we miss out
when I was on a hunt for my happiness, trying on the joy of sacrifi ce and the harvest of passion. A Spirit
everything that came along to fi nd it. Then one led life isn’t always fun, but it is always fi lled with joy.”
Tuesday night in a little church in Apple Valley, One of our rat rod buddies had an accident a year ago
L Minnesota, I gave it all up and asked God if I could which left him with a critical head injury that changed his
walk with Him from that point on. Everything changed. I life. He and his wife just about lost what the world would
will never forget how tangible God became to me in such call “everything”. Times have been tough for them but he
a short time. To this day it is His presence that makes has recognized his joy and has no doubt where this hope
all the difference. That empty spot I carried around was comes from. Just because their life has totally changed
fi lled and I started having a grin on my face that just and his brain was rebooted, he has made the conscious
would not go away. decision to choose a life of joy and hope and with it, a
One early morning after getting into work I busted new direction. He told me he knew there was a plan for
into my new best friend’s offi ce and shouted, “I am so him and he was going to embrace this new adventure full
happy!” He looked up with his famous stoic yet kind face tilt. Now here is a hero folks.
and asked, “Are you happy or are you fi lled up with joy?” Despite all the naysayers and all the advice and
You have to understand I loved this man like no other but; prompting from others to go the direction they think we
at that moment I wanted to slap him for what looked to should take, our best course is to be still and know that
me like his attempt to steal my joy. Remember, I was new we are not alone and we have a Father who wants to
at this Do Gooder way of life. After all, these were just walk with us more than we will ever be able to imagine.
words . . . semantics right? Apparently they were not just He isn’t one to push though. It all comes down to
words to Dan and as I have since learned. choices.
Have you noticed that when God asks a question, it “The truth is, when we walk with God there will be
is a given He already knows the answer? This is also the times of intense pleasure, along the way of living a life of
way my brother and teacher Chaplain/Lieutenant Colonel pure joy.” K. V.
Dan was, so starting something with him, I knew, would Joy is a personal thing unique to only your life
be a waste of time. I just gave in and waited for my experience. It cannot be stolen because it can be locked
lesson of the day. in you, the rock you stand on. This hope isn’t an “it”
Dan patiently explained there was a difference but Someone. We all desperately need this joy thing to
between the two. The word “Happy” comes from the overcome the times when happiness is in short supply
word “Happenstance” which is an event or fl eeting and let me tell you God’s Son’s supply does not run out.
moment when something temporary has happened to There is no lack in heaven and everyone has heard the
bring someone happiness. “Joy”, however, is an entirely part in the Lord’s Prayer where He says, “On earth as it is
different thing. It is almost synonymous with the word in heaven”. Bring heaven down.
“Hope”. True biblical joy lives way down in our core or This joy, this hope, is free for the taking. It does not
foundation and determines who we have become and involve money, power or prestige. It is already paid for
supplies the drive to go on in any circumstance. He then by the One who has all the power and as for prestige. . .
calmly asked, “Which one are you?” He is The King. And here is the most amazing part of all.
I stood there realizing he was spot on. With my tail He wants to give it to you. I cannot tell you the relief and
wagging so hard it was a wonder it had not worn out my weight that lifted off of me that night when I gave it all
britches, I let out, “ ‘JOY’! I am full of Joy!” Then we both to Him. It was by far the most Warrior thing I have ever
started laughing so hard the Sergeant outside the door done. The search was over.
must have thought we were both crazy. My prayer for you is that you fi nd this joy and the
Another great teacher of mine, Kris, says it this way, incredible life that goes along with it.
“There certainly is nothing wrong with having fun; in fact God loves you so much He cannot keep His eyes off
I prefer it. But when we make pleasure the goal of our life, of you.
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