Page 59 - Issue 48
P. 59
Jeepers/That Gives
Me the Willy’s
Finishing Touches RINGRODS.COM
just cruisin’ around, it’s fi ne. dangerous components. The lip gave us a surface to
The next touch had to be a weld in a 18 gauge piece of steel, hinged lid made
bulkhead to hide the gas tank and from the same. The top lid is hinged in order to get
battery if the kids back is to be to any problem areas in the future.
right against them. Would it help The pedals came next and were out of a 55
any? I might buy 3 seconds on a 5 Chevy. The pedals had been for a stick shift, so
second explosion if you were rear we took the clutch side off, and reconfi gured the
ended by someone texting. Could I bracket. This all mounted to a Corvette master
get out in 3 seconds? Probably not, cylinder from a swap meet. The gas pedal came
but a kid might. We had to fi gure out of a small truck, with bracket altered to fi t our
out exactly where the battery and application.
gas tank would fi t to know where the Next we took cardboard and made patterns for
bulkhead would be. Height was to be all the glass. A sheet of Lexan will be enough to
critical in order for a top cover to hide do all the glass. One tip here is to have someone
all and still leave room to see out the pour cold water over where you are cutting. If you
back glass. After much searching, we don’t it simply melts right back together, and then
found a Chevy Luv tank that fi t the bill. come the bad words. The best window seals are
A couple of brackets later and we had the ⁄2” or ⁄4” rope installation found in any lumber
a gas tank the right length and height. supply company. It’s dark grey in color and looks like
The battery bracket was made from Styrofoam rope. It will stretch and conform to any
1 ⁄2” angle iron. With these in place, opening you have. If you bead the surface where it’s
we welded a frame together to secure going to lay, it will stick to it. Then you can caulk the
the cockpit from the rear and all of its’ top edge to the glass with geo-seal or Flashmate.
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