Page 54 - Issue 41
P. 54
Rooster had made the drive from Mount Airy,
all out. All out of the junkyard.
North Carolina, better known as Mayberry, the
The trucks roots are a 1950 Ford pickup
home of Andy Griffith. His father had bought this
truck that was quickly chopped, channeled and
truck when he was 12 years old. It was going to
sectioned. Rooster kept some things original
be his 16th birthday present but the motor locked
but not much. It has the original frame, front and
up before he could get there. It spent the next 25
rear axles, and that is about it. Everything else
years sitting on their property just waiting for the
was created from the visions in his head. He
day Rooster could bring it back to life. The time
added 57 Chevy fins on the back mixed with a
was finally right to rebuild the truck and they went Studebaker tailgate. He took the time to change
54 Rat Rod Magazine issue Forty-one
52x57 Rooster.indd 54 12/12/16 9:02 AM