Page 58 - Issue 41
P. 58
That Gives Me The Willys
here are some fi nal details to tend would have. A 4’ x 8’ sheet of 20 gauge would have. A 4’ x 8’ sheet of 20 gauge
to before wrapping up the body will cost 30 to 40 dollars and is worth
and moving on to the frame, which every penny, considering it gives you a every penny, considering it gives you a
Twill start in the next issue. If you great surface to work with. We laid it
noticed in the last issue, the body has on the straps, and marked the pattern
been shortened 30”, narrowed by 10”, with a magic marker. It can easily be
and chopped 6”. The top was cut out to cut out with air or electric shears. If
be replaced by a fl at piece of 20 gauge. you don’t have these, they would be
In order to have a frame work for it to a great investment, considering all of
lay on, we ran 2” x 1/4” straps every 16”. the sheet metal work that goes into
This fl at roof will give it a more sinister one of these Rods. The second issue
look than the high rounded original top is the straps for the fl oor.
58x62 TommysToolbox.indd 58 12/12/16 9:14 AM