Page 62 - Issue 41
P. 62
idea to frame it out with some light gauge 1/2” x 1/2”
square tubing. The horizontal piece at top along with
a small piece of angle, served as a stop for the top half
a small piece of angle, served as a stop for the top half
to rest against. The vertical pieces spaced out equally
gave it that 55 Chevy Nomad Wagon tailgate look,
and fi nally the license plate area was framed out to
accent the tag with light above. A set of 60’s ford tail RINGRODS.COM
lights are big enough in diameter and will also help hide RINGRODS@GMAIL.COM
the otherwise drab area. Next issue we will start the frame RINGRODSFACEBOOK
custom made for this particular Rod and it’s needs.
Happy RatRodding! To see a little back story on Tommy Ring and
Happy RatRodding! To see a little back story on Tommy Ring and y RatRodding! To see a little back story on Tommy Ring and
RingRods, go to Tennessee Crossroads on Youtube with Tommy Ring.
RingRods, go to Tennessee Crossroads on Youtube with Tommy Ring.
58x62 TommysToolbox.indd 62 12/12/16 9:15 AM