Page 70 - Issue 41
P. 70
The band performing
live at their favorite
venue, the Machine
Shop in Flint Michigan.
I want to portray emotion. Art is emotion. And rafters, upside down while performing. Known for
life imitates art. There are highs and lows just like being visually entertaining. At the end of the day I’m
the dynamics of the music. It’s not always fast and a performer. And I play every show like it’s my last. In
aggressive. It’s sometimes slow and soothing. Anyone 2013, I broke my tibia and fi bula on stage in Toledo,
can make art, as long as you put your mind to it. It’s Ohio. I fi nished the rest of the set with a fully broken
not about how well you can play, it’s more about how leg and sat behind the ambulance on a stretcher
it’s delivered. Our live show is like an explosion. Lights, signing autographs before I was rushed to the
sound, extremely high energy, extremely energetic. hospital. I put the fans before my own health. That’s
Engaging. Every bit of blood sweat and tears go into how passionate I am about this. It’s not a phase. It’s
the show. I’m known for hanging up in the my life. I live it every day. I never clock out and go
home from it. I live, breathe, eat, sleep and dream
art. Whether it’s performing live, writing music,
building things, sewing stage outfi ts, tattooing my
entire body. I’m a walking memorial to art.”
The band has been touring since 2007 and is
currently working on their 5th studio album. As
Jake says, these guys truly are entertainers. Their
live show is captivating, immersive… you get your
money’s worth and then some. The artistic element
permeates through every facet of the bands
identity – whether they’re releasing music, videos,
or just screwing around at Jake’s shop, they’re
Jake is known for hanging upside always creating something and sharing it with their
down from the rafters during fans. You can fi nd Blue Felix on Pandora, Youtube,
shows. Even after breaking his leg,
he still has no fear. Facebook – if you like it heavy, rebellious, and
overtly creative – check these guys out. | / BlueFelixOFFICIAL
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