Page 106 - 2024 Program File
P. 106
Friday, November 22, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 156 will be held in Richland B from 9:00 - 9:50
Learning with Fire: The Transforma�ve Power of Produc�ve
Why do we rush to students’ aid at the first signs of struggle? When should we
step in to ensure a student becomes “unstuck”? During this session, we will focus
on the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of produc�ve struggle. Par�cipants will come away
with ac�onable instruc�onal strategies to promote produc�ve struggle in their
classrooms with the support of Derivita’s engaging technology. Grades 6 - 12
Sherri Abel, Derivita
Session 157 will be held in Richland C from 9:00 - 9:50
TI Teacher Talk
Drop by for an informal opportunity to connect with colleagues and TI technology
leaders to share ideas & �ps. Grades 6 - 12
Beth Smith, Texas Instruments
Session 158 will be held in Congaree A from 9:00 - 9:50
Strategies to Enhance Long-Term Learning
Do your students forget what they have learned? Are you interested in strategies
that will boost student learning and can be implemented in your limited class
�me? In this session, explore powerful strategies to improve learning reten�on
and to develop a process to include these strategies in your classroom. Grades 6 -
Elizabeth Beerbower, Great Minds