Page 102 - 2024 Program File
P. 102

Friday, November 22, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                  Session 148 will be held in Hall of Fame Room from 9:00 - 9:50
                                    Building Fluency One Talk at a Time

               What are ‘talks’ and ‘strings’? How do they help students be more flexible,

               efficient, and accurate?  When students struggle with fluency, what interven�ons
               are successful? Come experience effec�ve, engaging strategies designed for all
               students! Explore research-based resources from hand2mind that strengthen

               understanding and build fluency! Grades 6 - 8

                                                       Leanne Lutrell,

                                                   hand2mind Consultant

                                     Session 149 will be held in Lincoln Room from 9:00 - 9:50
                 The Forgoten Standards: Engaging Students with the MPs in

                                                      Grades 3–5

               When planning lessons, we o�en focus on the content standards, but what about
               the Standards for Mathema�cal Prac�ce (aka the MPs)? Lessons grounded in the
               MPs provide students with opportuni�es to engage in mathema�cal thinking.
               Learn how to recognize and capitalize on opportuni�es for MP engagement with a

               focus on grades 3–5. Grades 3 – 5

                                                Krisin Cubbage, Great Minds

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