Page 98 - 2024 Program File
P. 98

Friday, November 22, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                      Session 140 will be held in Richland B from 8:00 - 8:50

                        Teaching with TI-84 Technology – Beyond the Basics

               Come explore o�en-overlooked features of the TI-84 family of calculators. Go
               beyond basic computa�on & graphing on the TI-84 Plus- use graph databases,
               APPs, the Draw menu, & more to support concept development. In addi�on, see

               how to leverage the power of TI-SmartViewCE and (free) TI-Connect™ CE so�ware
               to enhance student engagement, to share files, capture student screens and
               promote discussion, and save �me when planning and preparing classroom TI-84

               ac�vi�es. Grades 6 - 12

                                                Ruth Casey, Texas Instruments

                                      Session 141 will be held in Richland C from 8:00 - 8:50

                  My Favorite SAT/ACT Math Ques�ons w/ Mul�ple Soli�ons:
                                   Use Graphing Technology for Success

               Focus on conceptual understanding of “big ideas”: linear equa�ons, quadra�cs,

               mul�ple representa�ons, thinking graphically, words to symbols, use structure,
               solve systems using crea�ve technology integra�on. Obtain ac�vi�es, strategies,
               exam ques�ons that augment what you do for test prep. Address how differently

               ACT/SAT ask ques�ons. Grades 9 - 12

                                              Tom Reardon, Texas Instruments

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