Page 96 - 2024 Program File
P. 96

Friday, November 22, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                      Session 135 will be held in Carolina A from 8:00 - 8:50

               Essen�al Procedural Fluency Techniques That Translate Well To


               "Do we prepare our students well for college?", a high school teacher asked me in
               this same conference last year.  I said, "Yes, you do."  And I meant that.  Then I
               suggested that one could make a few, small tweaks while teaching procedural

               fluency techniques that will benefit students transi�oning to college. Grades 6 -
               12  -  Higher Educa�on  -  General Interest

                             Dr. Sam Narimetla, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, Tennesee

                                      Session 136 will be held in Carolina B from 8:00 - 8:50

                                  Flipping the Script with Math Na�on+

               Ready to transform your teaching? Leave with ready to use Math Na�on+
               components and flip the gradual release model like Vanilla Ice flips beats! “Stop”

               to rethink your strategies, let students lead with our “Collabora�on” Ac�vi�es,
               and then “Listen” to their insights to refine our Guided Ac�vi�es. Join us for a fun
               math educa�on experience! Grades 6 - 12-  Coaches, Leaders, Teacher Educators

                               Dr. Tiffany Arnold, Math Na�on powered by Accelerate Learning

                                      Session 137 will be held in Lexington A from 8:00 - 8:50

               Deep Teaching (A Reflec�ve and Empathe�c Prac�ce)

               Discover a teaching model that helps high school math teachers reflect on their

               beliefs about students and themselves. Learn how to u�lize effec�ve pedagogies
               and create a suppor�ve environment for mastering math concepts. Transform
               your classroom into a space where every student can thrive in math! Grades 9 - 12

                                                  Dr. Anu Meacham, S2TEM

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