Page 93 - 2024 Program File
P. 93

Friday, November 22, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                      Session 129 will be held in Ballroom A from 8:00 - 8:50

                   Connec�ng Children's Literature and Middle Grades Math


               What if we read in math class? Want to put a new spin on a difficult concept like
               surface area? Need an interes�ng way to create box plots? Learn how to link
               literature with math and address College and Career Readiness standards. Lesson

               plans, a book list, foldables, rubrics, and prizes! Come giggle with us! Grades 6 - 8 ,
               Coaches, Leaders, Teacher Educators

                          Candice Brucke, West-Oak Middle School, School District of Oconee County

                                      Session 130 will be held in Ballroom B from 8:00 - 8:50

                                    Concrete to Abstract Number Lines

               Par�cipants will build bead string number lines and number paths. Par�cipants
               will learn how to use these manipula�ves to increase student's understanding of
               coun�ng, number rela�onships, rela�ve magnitude, rounding, place value,

               addi�on, and subtrac�on. Grades PreK - 2  -  5

                                                 Jessica Jeffers, OGAP Math

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