Page 94 - 2024 Program File
P. 94
Friday, November 22, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 131 will be held in Ballroom C from 8:00 - 8:50
Reflec�ng on Our Assessment Prac�ces: How Innova�ve
Grading Systems Improve Achievement
Typical math gradebooks make it hard to decipher what students truly understand
and cause students to focus on percentages and "point-grubbing" instead of their
progress. Learn how a team of teachers developed innova�ve grading systems and
holis�c repor�ng prac�ces that don't rely on percentages and can be used in any
level math course. General Interest
Tim Hudson, Discovery Educa�on
Session 132 will be held in Hall of Fame Room from 8:00 - 8:50
Building Fluency One Talk at a Time
What are ‘talks’ and ‘strings’? How do they help students be more flexible,
efficient, and accurate? When students struggle with fluency, what interven�ons
are successful? Come experience effec�ve, engaging strategies designed for all
students! Explore research-based resources from hand2mind that strengthen
understanding and build fluency! Grades 3 - 5
Leanne Lutrell,
hand2mind, Inc. Consultant