Page 110 - 2024 Program File
P. 110
Friday, November 22, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 164 will be held in Ballroom C from 10:00 - 10:50
Tech, Tech, Baby: Enhancing Math Educa�on Through Technology
This session will empower educators with innova�ve strategies for math and tech
integra�on, highligh�ng responsible digital ci�zenship and effec�ve digital media
use. Atendees will discuss resources and strategies that boost math engagement
and achievement. Bring a device and lesson idea to develop engaging, interac�ve
math content. Grades 6 – 12, Coaches, and Leaders
LaKeshia Adams, Ph.D.
Session 165 will be held in Hall of Fame Room from 10:00 - 10:50
The Three F Words in Math
Come learn how the three F words in math—facts, fluency, and frac�ons—support
students in gaining math fact fluency and conceptual understanding of frac�ons
and change the trajectory for even the most at-risk students. Beter together,
Reflex and Frax are an effec�ve way to teach fundamental skills needed for
success in math. Grades 3 - 8
Tiffany Chris�an, ExploreLearning