Page 132 - 2024 Program File
P. 132
Friday, November 22, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 212 will be held in Lincoln Room from 12:00 - 12:50
Frac�on Tidbits for Your Toolkit
Help students build a conceptual understanding of frac�ons and empower their
learning by teaching frac�ons through games and other engaging ac�vi�es. We
will discuss the power of benchmark frac�on ac�vi�es, using the number line, and
how decomposing frac�ons leads to success in addi�on and subtrac�on. Grades 3
- 5
Heather Price, Centerville Elementary School
Lisa Ross, Lexington One Central Services
Lexington One School District
Session 213 will be held in Senate Room from 12:00 - 12:25
Pause,Reflect,and Reimagine:Using Kiddom and IM to
Enhance Teaching Prac�ces Student Voice in Mathema�cs
with Kiddom Insights
This mini-session encourages educators to take a step back and assess their
current strategies through the lens of IM360 powered by Kiddom using specific
instruc�onal tools to engage all types of learners. Grades PreK - 12
Whitney Green, Kiddom
Dr. Mike Flannagan, Kiddom
Stan Mozingo, Kiddom