Page 133 - 2024 Program File
P. 133

Friday, November 22, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                     Session 214 will be held in Carolina A from 12:00 - 12:25

                              Hands-on and Self-Correc�ng Math Centers

               In the Hands-on and Self-Correc�ng Math Centers workshop, atendees will play
               with and KEEP materials that they can take back to their school and use with their

               students.  Grades PreK – 5

                                                         Rich Stuart

                                                     Learning Wrap-ups

                                     Session 215 will be held in Carolina B from 12:00 - 12:25
                  One pla�orm, endless possibili�es…. success from Pickens County!

               Based on the NCTM Principal of Ac�on #8: Technology: Leveraging Technology for
               Mathema�cal Understanding, our session is about the effec�veness of using IXL's

               classroom analy�cs to target Tier 1, 2, and 3 students in the classroom as well as
               how they �e into the math standards to maximize student growth and proficiency.
               Grades 6 - 12

                                               Elisha Bauss and Eric Doan, IXL

                                            Robin Pope, Julia Kay and Erica Smith

                                     Teachers from Getys Middle School, Pickens County

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