Page 60 - 2024 Program File
P. 60
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 63 will be held in the Congaree B Room from 12:10 - 12:35
Ge�ng Started with NumWorks
The devices students use daily have changed drama�cally, but their graphing
calculator likely hasn’t. With the NumWorks graphing calculator, it has! Come
learn about how NumWorks has updated the graphing calculator for today’s
students and teachers. Grades 6 - 12
Mat Blevins, NumWorks
Session 64 will be held in the Under Escalator Room from 12:10 - 12:35
Ra�o tables!
Learning about and prac�cing with all the uses for ra�o tables in the upper
elementary and middle school math classroom! Grades 3 - 8
Jess Simek, Robert Anderson Middle School
Anderson County School District 5
Session 65 will be held in Ballroom Afrom 12:40 - 1:05
Math Lessons from Social Media
There are hundreds of social media pla�orms and at their core is the idea of
bringing people together to create, share or exchange ideas. With a deeper dive,
we can glean some “go forward” math strategies and ideas to produce beter
problem solvers. Join us for a fun discussion as we “post,” “snap,” and “tweet” our
way through the math classroom. Grades PreK - 8
Gary Miller, Curriculum Associates