Page 62 - 2024 Program File
P. 62

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                 Session 68 will be held in the Hall of Fame Room from 12:40 - 1:05

                    Mastering Mul�plica�on and Division: Applying the CRA

                                      Teaching Model in the Classroom

               Explore the effec�ve applica�on of the Concrete-Representa�onal-Abstract (CRA)
               teaching model for mul�plica�on and division. Discover how to seamlessly
               integrate hands-on ac�vi�es, visual representa�ons, and abstract problem-solving

               techniques into your teaching repertoire. Grades 3 - 5

                                              Melissa Seel, Pon�ac Elementary

                                                        Ryan Higgins

                                                  Richland School District 2

                                   Session 69 will be held in the Lincoln Room from 12:40 - 1:05
                   Unlocking Student Math Poten�al through Number Sense

               Are you looking for ways to elevate your students' mathema�cal abili�es and
               foster a deeper understanding of math concepts? Join us for a session filled with
               insights, prac�cal �ps, and interac�ve learning to enhance your teaching and
               inspire your students' mathema�cal journey! PreK - 5

                                           Rachael Childers, Curriculum Associates

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