Page 63 - 2024 Program File
P. 63

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                   Session 70 will be held in the Senate Room from 12:40 - 1:05

                  FLIP, COLLABORATE, THINK… the keys to diving deep in your


               Engage your students in AND out of class!  Do you want to use videos to teach
               content & class �me to dive deeper through collabora�on?  In 25 minutes, you’ll
               par�cipate in a mini lesson demonstra�ng the nuts & bolts of this technique. We’ll

               discuss PROS, CONS & best prac�ces.  Don’t want to fully flip your classroom?
               Come see other op�ons. Grades 6 - 12

                                         Sarah Kits, Spartanburg Community College

                                  Session 71 will be held in the Carolina A Room from 12:40 - 1:05

                               Add me in 2 (The Co- Teaching Experience)

               Par�cipants in this session will explore math concepts using manipula�ves, task
               boxes and a variety of other best prac�ces to help students build a solid
               founda�on for success with general educa�on teacher and special educa�on

               teacher. We will demonstrate the effec�veness of using the Special Educa�on
               teacher in a co-teaching model. Grades 3 - 5, General Interest, Special Educa�on

                                   Monica Peterson-Wright, HB Rhame Elementary School
                                     Eunice Glouster-Pou, HB Rhame Elementary School

                                                Richland School District One

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