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The Bee Leaf Mommy and Daddy Said
Written by Karee Walker Written by Karee Walker
“In seeing our reflection, we need “We can see that taking the time to nurture
to reflect, we need to remember a healthy mind, body and spirit will help
our true self.” make a good and balanced home.”
ISBN 978-0-9947538-0-9 ISBN 978-0-9947538-3-0
Picture Book Hardcover Picture Book Paperback
9x12 12x 9
58 pages 28 pages
$16.95 $12.95
Marikeyta is a girl who lives in the city with her mother. She enters her rites of passage
as she transitions from a girl into a young woman. Her mother falls ill and Marikeyta the elements of Mommy and Daddy Said provide an example of the key ingredients
is challenged to seek what she must find. Through the symbolism of adinkra symbols that empower a family to grow. it enables the family to accomplish their purpose
readers are lead through a beautiful tale of love, hardwork and true blessings. through achieving unity, communication, unconditional love and honesty. For children
through Marikeyta staying motivated and determined to receive true knowledge of to be connected to their family, culture helps them to share their greatness and build
self, she acquires the gifts of the divine to become who she was always meant to be. on the experiences they have learned through life. the story encourages treating each
other positively. Life improves when using your higher self to accomplish your goals.
through the help and support of the wise old couple on the top of the hill.
Marikeyta enters her quest to find the Bee Leaf.
A Little Cute’n in that Hat Written by Karee Walker
Written by Karee Walker
“ I am always going to rise above the
“He is so cute and that is a fact!” doubt that may exist around me”
ISBN 978-0-9947538-4-7 ISBN 978-0-9947538-2-3
Picture Book Paperback Picture Book Paperback
9x 9 9x12
32 pages 28 pages
$12.95 $12.95
a baby turtle is born on a beach alone. He grows and gains the strength to face his
a cute baby boy discovers a basket of hats in his home. With his curiosity he begins fears to find the power of believing in himself. The story Heights gives parents the
to explore the many hats he can wear. From different sizes, shapes, styles and opportunity to share the message of building confidence and resilience in their child.
culture. Wow! to the delight of his family they laugh and enjoy the blessing of his this uplifting literary work explores the importance of identity, to be proud of who you
cute charisma and imagination. From different sizes, shapes, styles and cultures the are and confident in where you are going.
illustration’s of Karee Shea Walker are beautiful, magnificent and vibrant. With simple,
lyrical words the charm and humour of this adventure will have you remembering the
precious moments of childhood.