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Angelot Ndongmo
this award winning children’s author has always enjoyed
writing and connecting with youth. as an author she
wants to instill positivity in young Black children and have
them find love for self. Angelot is the owner of Chocvirgo
Publishing, a small press creating children’s literature that
aids children to be empowered. She believes it is important
to be inspired by literature in some way, shape or form.
Angleot aims to fill the void of Black characters in literature
as it is an opportunity to be visible and included in the
human experience.
Felicia Joly
is the founder of Power@Play. Together, with her
husband Clyveens Joly, she has created a series
of game changing books to share the key and
AUThors minds to explore the concepts of wealth, success
essential insights to engage and inspire young
and power. Felicia believes children have an
amazing capacity to learn and is committed to
presenting them with ideas that will inspire them
& TiTles literacy amongst the next generation, Felicia
for a lifetime. In her quest to improve financial
has co-created and written the aBC’s of Wealth.
through the themes, ideas and activities included
in this book, she encourages both children and
parents to set goals, cultivate the right habits and
systematically plan for multi-generational wealth.
Nana Yaa Yeboaa
Nana Yaa Yeboaa is an acclaimed author, spoken
word artist/poet and storyteller living in toronto. She
has written two books of poetry, Lamentations by the
banks of the volta and the roots of a Woman. Her most
recent piece is for children, anansesem is a collection
of african folklore to ground families in their heritage.
Nana Yaa Yeboaa born in Ghana carries her pride for
her country in all that she does. in her engagement
with community through cultural events, weekly literacy
programs to her commitment to produce resources
that reflect the greatness of her traditions.