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Sheena Blake                                                                         Karee Walker

                                    Sheena Blake is the C.e.O. of Discovering Diversity.  She   Karee is an artist that loves the power of art as it gives you
                                    is also a writer and a speaker passionate about words.     the freedom to express yourself.  through her creativity she
                                    Her mission is to publish people of every age from 5 to   is able to bring forth worlds that allow you to be inspired,
                                    100 years of age in as many genres as possible.  She   challenged and reflective.  She creates to develop textured
                                    believes that publishing written and spoken words is a   memories that spread the message of birth, life, healing
                                    way to have people share their wisdom and help change   and love.  She aims to push the boundaries of art to inform,
                                    the world.   She believes that everyone’s story can affect   motivate, nurture and connect.  Karee is the artistic director
                                    others positively and aid them to see life differently.    of  Kareative  interlude,  a partnership utilizing  the arts  to
                                    Life is all about how one thinks.  it is important to shift        empower the creative being that lays within.
                                    thinking; it can change a life.

                            MakelBaye G-N
                                                                                                                      Robert Small
     She is a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a
                                                                                                                      robert Small  is an artist and social entrepreneur who has
     relative and a friend.  Makelbaye is a global citizen,
                                                                                                                      used his skills to educate those of african descent. For over
     who is an artist.  She practices her trades in the areas
                                                                                                                      25 years, Small has created what most would describe as a
     of fashion, visual arts, literature and the aesthetics of
                                                                                                                      poster, but can be more accurately defined as a “Legacy”. With
     hair.  through her creativity her voice is heard through
                                                                                                                      more than 100,000 copies of this annual poster distributed
     the pieces she puts together and shares with others.
                                                                                                                      across North america for over two decades, Small’s impact
     Makelbaye believes there is enough for everyone and
                                                                                                                      will be felt for an undetermined amount of time. Small uses
     that family is golden.  Strong in her faith, she strives
                                                                                                                      the poster, bookmarks and SteaM resources as a vehicle to
     to be the best person she can be as every bit counts
                                                                                                                      educate the world of the achievements of people of african
     to make the world a better place.  Owner of Yamodo
                                                                                                                      descent.  He is taking ownership of telling Black Canadian
     Press,  a publishing company  focusing  on searching
                                                                                                                      stories, on the many accomplished people who are more
                           the past to reveal the future.
                                                                                                                      than their individual accomplishments.

                                    Janet Campbell                                                                       Desree Crooks
                                                                                           this is her debut afrocentric Children’s novel. Desree Crooks
                                    Janet has carried the art of storytelling and sharing
                                                                                           was born in Birmingham england, to newly migrated parents
                                    folktales into her own life.  Her passion is to foster
                                                                                           from Jamaica.  Desree has always had a love for writing even
                                    the human connection.  She believes it is an essential
                                                                                           as a young child, you would always find her doodling poetry
                                    ingredient  in community  building, maintaining
                                                                                           or short stories.  With this creative mind, she has continued
                                    traditions and teaching cultural practices.  as a child
                                                                                           writing into her adulthood.  Not only does she write children’s
                                    she became the storyteller sharing the wise tales that
                                                                                           books and poetry, but she is also a lyricist and enjoys writing
                                    have been passed down her families lineage. She loves
                                                                                           music.  She had many stories locked inside and finally, this is
                                    the power to enter the world of those stories, get lost
                                    in her imagination and indulge in her curiosity.  as an   her opportunity to share it with the world and walk her path.
                                    author, storyteller and advocate,  Janet is committed
                                    and dedicated to helping children to develop a passion
                                    for reading, writing and storytelling.
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