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Confidence Vocabulary Decision Making
Reasoning Problem Solving Skills Desires
Imagination Memory Dreams
Abilities Communication Skills Destiny
kAreATive through our stories we honour the past children through literature it aids a child
inTerlUde and present works that are empowering, through their developmental milestones
with further motivation.
enriching and creative. through the Nu
Narratives catalogue it helps all involved
to move to the future, providing greater reading serves as a chance to introduce
a child into the world of literacy. From
opportunities for quality literature to children learning to enjoy books they build
areative interlude is a partnership created to inspire, empower and engage
be recognized in within traditional and their vocabulary, develop their imagination
utilizing the arts to open eyes, readers from diverse backgrounds. the
independent markets. and connect ideas to build up their
K hearts, hands and ears to the Nu Narratives resource provides a path
education is the great equalizer and identity. From young readers managing
creative expressions that lay within your for youth to extend their voice, vision
reading helps children to accelerate their texts, gaining confidence and connecting
being. accessing art as a medium we aim and representation celebrating culture,
commitment to learning. through children to characters they learn the importance of
to inspire participants in the celebration developing confidence and telling their
reading they explore the characteristics telling their story. Literature helps shape
of new narratives and engaging works story.
of: integrity, honesty, responsibility and one’s character to become future builders,
of art. Over the past fifteen (15) years we
Kareative interlude offers services through: resilience. By parents bonding with leaders and achievers.
have implemented programs to empower,
community programming, printing and
engage and inspire children and youth to
products in the areas of: fashion arts,
reach their full potential. through literacy
visual arts and literature. Kareative as children read more engaging texts, they begin to
we engage young readers and future
interlude provides services with access connect with reading on multiple levels from a physical,
leaders through the arts to develop key
to a distribution channel that serves as
principles of purpose and self-awareness. mental, emotional and spiritual purpose. Children will
a system to enhance the circulation of
Kareative interlude has partnered with african-Caribbean-Canadian narratives enhance their decision making skills and competence
eight (8) amazing fictional writers to form across North america and the world. the on a personal and cultural level. through young readers
the Kareative Kollective to present the Nu resource provides librarians, educators, being exposed to african-Caribbean-Canadian resources
Narratives Children’s Book Catalogue. bookstores and organizations a chance to they will grow and mature in their personal power, self-
this catalogue serves as a chance to make a personal connection with diverse, esteem and sense of purpose.
recognize the great resources being quality children’s writers.
“The stories of tomorrow are written today” Karee Walker | 416.724.1328 |