Page 5 - Y Head Start Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 5

Setting children and                                                     CLASS Assessments
              families up for success                                                  As well as following dynamic curriculums, we use a nationally

              School readiness refers to strengthening a child’s                       recognized standardized assessment tool – CLASS – to
              ability to benefit from school and plays a unique role in                measure teacher/child interactions and the emotional and
              helping children escape the effects                                      instructional climate of the classroom. The 2015/16 results
              of poverty.                                                              (below) were used to support professional development plans
                                                                                       for associates including training opportunities and resources

              Y Head Start and Y Early Head Start follow research-based                for strengthening teacher and child interactions.
              curriculums that provide teachers with guided lesson formats.
              This approach supports individualized learning as well as
              opportunities to scaffold activities that help foster each         100
              child’s educational needs.
              • Y Head Start uses the innovative Creative Curriculum             80
                and Frog Street Curriculum (math and science                     70
                supplemental curriculum) which involves individualized           60                               5.58                         5.81
                lesson plans based on classroom ages and student levels.         50                                                            5.65
              • The Y Early Head Start home-based program uses the
                nationally recognized Partners for a Healthy Baby                30    2.83
                curriculum which helps expectant and parenting families          20    2.22
                achieve personal goals and build protective factors for          10
                the well-being of their children.                                0
                                                                                          Instructional           Classroom               Emotional
                                                                                          Support                 Organization            Support

                 “I believe the Y Head Start setting is essential to                       2.83      Y Head Start and Early Head Start Averages     5.81
                 the learning process. The teachers are excellent
                 and the help and encouragement given to the                               2.22             National Threshold             5.65
                 children in the program is a blessing.”
                                                                                         CLASS assessments were conducted quarterly in all Y in Central Maryland
                 Y Head Start parent                                                     Head Start classrooms by certified CLASS reliable observers affiliated with
                                                                                          LiteBrite Training and Consulting and School Readiness Consulting, LLC.

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