Page 6 - Y Head Start Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 6

As well as CLASS assessments, Y Head Start utilizes two additional child
                                                                              assessment tools. In Baltimore City, a Work Sampling Assessment is
                                                                              used to conduct child assessments three times throughout the program
                                                                              year. In Baltimore County Y Head Start / Y Early Head Start, the Creative
                                                                              Curriculum Gold is used to conduct child assessments three times
                                                                              during the program year.

                                                                                    “I can see the differences in my son's abilities from
                                                                                    before we started Y Head Start to now. He learned so
                                                                                    much and he loves Y Head Start very much.”

                                                                                    Y Head Start parent

                                                                                 On average; the percent of Y Head Start

                                                                                 four year olds who demonstrated proficiency in
                                                                                 the domains related to school readiness:

                                                                                       Perceptual Motor and Physical Development:  82.15%

                                                                                                                Social /Emotional:  82%

                                                                                                    Approaches to Learning:  78.15%

                                                                                                     Language and Literacy:  76.42%

                                                                                                        Math and Science:  74.07%

                                                                                 0%     10%      20%     30%      40%     50%      60%     70%      80%     90%    100%%

                                                                                 Please note that due to a significant disproportion in Head Start children records as a result
                                                                                 of unavailable child data, MSDE Kindergarten Readiness Scores have been omitted.
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