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Vigil Library 1965-1970 (Vigil files)
International Workshops
Projects as Student
International Workshops
Students´ Projects
University Research Projects
Projects as a Research Teacher
University Outreach Projects
Projects as a mamber of the Outreach Team
Vulnerable Public Space Workshop
Projects as a mamber of the Teaching Team
Professional Works
Projects as Independent Architect
6th Call SEU-UNR (2014): Photographic survey: Interiors Photographic survey: Exterior perimetration
Collective recovery of the popular library . .
Constancio C. Vigil, Rosario
Collaborating Institution: Biblioteca Popular C. C. Vigil.
Director: M. Arch. Susana Paganini.
Co-director: Arch. Lautaro Dattilo.
Teacher: Arch. Soledad Chamorro.
Graduates: Archs. María José Basualdo, Leilén Menéndez.
Students: Teresita Ansalas, Diego Castro, Erica Hansen, Magalí
Izquierdo, María Agostina Rodríguez Jáuregui, María Agostina Roldán.
Groundfloor level, Administration
The Vigil Library was an ambitious project of pedagogical quality
anchored in a neighborhood of workers in the southern area of Rosario. Photomontage: Gaboto St. elevation
The building, recently recovered by its partners, has had interventions
such as closures and disconnections between spaces. There is
currently no plans of the building. In this context, it is intended to
collaborate with the team of professionals in the enhancement of the
properties recently recovered and to recover.
The specific technical information produced by the Outreach team,
photographic and planimetric survey, would collaborate with the
institutional objectives of the Vigil: articulate the functional diversity of
the buildings, integrate the disconnected sectors, and contribute for the
judicial investigation in the cause of economic crimes committed against 1st Lower level
the institution in the frame of crimes against humanity (figure of cultural
genocide). Recover the building so that the neighborhood and the city
have a better collective life, maintaining equal opportunities in terms of
culture, and formal and non-formal education.
* Collect and produce specific technical information.
* Detect technical and socio-spatial problems, derived from building
* Carry out the photographic survey of the property.
* Carry out the graphic survey of the property.
2nd Lower level
Project presented in the VI National Congress of University Outreach, 2014
Article published in: “Publicación del XIX Congreso Arquisur. La Plata”, 2015
Theatre High school Visual Arts school Film school
VI National Congress of University Outreach flyer Theatre school Library Administration Photomontage: section A-A