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                                   Perkins Passage, aerial view from the terrace
     International Workshops
     Projects as Student
     International Workshops
      Students´ Projects
     University Research Projects
     Projects as a Research Teacher
     University Outreach Projects
     Projects as a mamber of the Outreach Team
     Vulnerable Public Space Workshop
     Projects as a mamber of the Teaching Team
     Professional Works
     Projects as Independent Architect

     8th Call SEU-UNR (2015):
     Collective  recovery  of  the  popular  library
     Constancio C. Vigil, Rosario: Public Square
     Collaborating Institution: Biblioteca Popular C. C. Vigil.

     Director: M. Arch. Susana Paganini.
     Co-director: Arch. Lautaro Dattilo.
     Teacher: Arch. Soledad Chamorro.
     Graduates:  Archs.  María  José  Basualdo,  Lucía  Fuma,  Paola  Meli,
     Luciana Scarfó.
     Students: Andrea Acuña, Teresita Ansalas, Florencia Aranda, Maira
     Bustos, Débora Froucine, Magalí Izquierdo, Candela López Ré, María
     Agostina Rodríguez Jáuregui, Ana Pettinari, María Agostina Roldán.
                                                                                             Before/After. Referent: José Calama St. between Diego de Almagro St. and 6 de Diciembre Ave. in Quito, Ecuador                                              Before/After. Referent: San Agustín Square in Quito, Ecuador

     As a result of the initial explorations carried out during the previous
     Outreach Project, the lot of the Library, on Perkins Passage, has been
     selected as the object of study.
     The  exploration  will  focus  on  the  physical  limits,  built  with  walls
     (vertically)  and  with  slabs  (horizontally)  and  the  legal  limit  of  the
     municipal edge, between public and private space.
      * Explore the private, lot as a new public access: the Public Square.
       *  Conduct  consultations  with  potential  users:  workshops,  surveys,
     collective dialogue meetings, open interviews.
     The  methodology  is  the  Project  as  prefiguring  procedure  of  the
     Architectonic form: the analysis is part of it:
     a- Analysis  from the following disciplinary categories:
     1- the intervention site,
     2-the program of uses,
     3- the materiality.
     The  referenced  study  of  cases  is  used  to  analyze  the  architectural
     bibliography: this will be selected by each category, and by the type of
     problems that arise in the analysis and project process.
     b- Project: that will arise from the organization of the data extracted from
     the analysis, will correspond to the formulation of projectual hypotheses,
     that is, an exploration on the types of projective operations possible for
     the preparation of preliminary projects.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Access plan. Analysis: physical and legal limits in Perkins Passage       Project: Perkins Passage as Public Square

                                                                                                                    Before/After. Projectual exercise on Perkins Passage: options on facades painting  Analysis: dividing wall and empty lot in Perkins Passage  Project: Public Square on Perkins Passage and new access to the Library
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