P. 13

4. Where?

                  When we talk about ‘picking up’ grammar regularities, are we talking about long exposure in a country
                  where the language is spoken, or about three hours a week in secondary school?

                  5. So does teaching help?

                  With many of the in-between items, surely. More in the three-hour-a-week situation, fewer in an input-
                  rich  context,  but  some  in any  situation. If  you’re unclear about  German  word  order,  five-minutes’
                  explanation will shortcut a whole lot of struggle trying to make sense of what seems to be very confusing
                  input. What would be the value of withholding this explanation?

                  6. But knowing what happens isn’t the same as being able to do it.

                  Of course, it isn’t. But it’s a start. Knowing which the accelerator is and which is the brake doesn’t
                  guarantee you can drive. But it beats not knowing. Most skills learning proceeds in part by moving from
                  conscious  knowledge  to  unconscious  mastery:  it’s  a  matter  of  procedural  learning  ‘leaning  on
                  declarative crutches’, in DeKeyser’s words (1998: 49).

                  7. But isn’t there evidence that teaching grammar makes no difference to learning?

                  No. Forget Krashen. There’s good evidence in the other direction: see the important research meta-
                  analyses by Norris and Ortaga (2000) and Spada and Tomita (2010).

                  8. But some people go on dropping third-person  -s  forever, however much you teach it.

                  Sure. There are things like that. The reasons are complicated and interesting.  I’ve never really got hold
                  of vibrato when playing the violin, though I’ve been taught often enough. That doesn’t mean my music
                  lessons were useless. On the contrary, I would play even worse, or maybe not at all, if I hadn’t had
                  them, bad vibrato or not.
                  9. But is correctness really important?

                  This is like asking ‘Are boots important?’ It depends what kind of boots, and what you want to do. Rock-
                  climbing? Skiing? Ballroom dancing? Having breakfast in bed? A high level of grammatical correctness
                  is  important  for  some  purposes;  less  so  for  others.  And  not  all  aspects  of  grammar  are  equally
                  significant. Getting some things wrong can hinder communication quite seriously; other points may
                  matter very little on way or the other. It’s unconstructive to generalize.


                  DeKeyser, R.  1998. ‘Beyond focus on form: cognitive perspectives on learning and practicing second
                  language  grammar’  in  J.  Doughty  and  J.  Williams  (eds.): Focus  on  Form  in  Classroom  Second
                  Language Acquisition.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

                  Norris,  J.  M. and L.  Ortega.  2000. ‘Effectiveness  of  L2  instruction:   a  research  synthesis  and
                  quantitative meta-analysis.’  Language Learning 50/3: 417-528.

                  Spada, N. and Y. Tomita. 2010. ‘Interactions between type of instruction and type of language feature:
                  a meta-analysis.’  Language Learning 60/2: 1-46.

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