Page 102 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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network of Hospital tie-ups. In case of any COVID-19    COVID-19  in  workplace  is  to  reduce  contact
            related health emergency, employees are being           points and paperless working and customers can
            provided Quarantine Facility.                           file  their  documents  from  their  home  without
                                                                    having to be physically present at the terminal.
            Till  date  28  positive  cases  of  COVID-19  detected   Preventive Measures for the Organization
            within CONCOR and all cases have been monitored     and Employees
            adequately and all have recovered/recovering and 8
            employees have already joined back on duty.         CONCOR  recognized  protection  of  its  employees
                                                                and  continuity  of  the  business  in  COVID-19
            Innovation, R&D and
            Technological Breakthrough                          Pandemics and immediately constituted a dedicated
                                                                department  ‘Health,  Safety  &  Environment’  to
            CONCOR  being  an  essential  service  provider,  in   navigate safe working and adherence to all statutory
            order to maintain the uninterrupted supply chains,   and mandatory guidelines. The major preventive
            the terminal operations were continued during the   measures taken are as under: -
            whole lockdown period. Following innovative and     •  Disinfection  and  sanitization  as  per  MoHFW
            technological breakthrough was ramped up: -            guidelines.
            CONCOR Speed-up Digital Readiness                   •  Social distancing and face cover guidelines.
                                                                •  Thermal scanning at all entry gates.
            •  CONCOR e-Office paperless system was ramped      •  Availability  of  touch  free  hand  sanitizers
              up  and  560  VPNs/DSCs  were  extended  to  all     mechanism.
              executives, for seamless Work from Home(WFH).     •  Protocols for confirmed COVID-19 positive cases
            •  CONCOR also augmented its Video Conference          and contact line tracing & monitoring.
              (VC) facilities by upgrading the Video Conference   •  Weekly  Compliance  report  in  prescribed
              Protocol and all routine interactions and meetings   format.
              continued uninterrupted through VC Platform.      •  Yoga  is  being  practiced  by  all  staff  within  the
            •  One of  the most  effective ways  to combat         Office  space  around  workplace  of  each  deptt./

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