Page 105 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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Fighting                                               has been devised by EIL, with prior concurrence

                                                                   from clients, to resolve the problem of physical
            the Pandemic                                           presence  in  inspection  for  projects.  Residual

                                                                   witness Inspection stages are being  conducted
            Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund                 using video, images and document review as per
                                                                   proven Quality Assurance plans. Such inspections
            •  EIL  employees  contributed  two  days  salary      are not limited to a particular supplier but  are
              amounting to Rs 2.27 Crores.                         being carried out across the country.
            •  EIL  contributed  Rs  1.13  Crores  as  part  of  CSR   Preventive Measures (for the
              initiative.                                       Organization and Employees)
            Payment to Contractual Workers
            during Lockdown Period                              Various  measures  were  undertaken  to  combat
                                                                COVID-19 and keep  the  employees safe which
            With a view to extend support in these challenging   include the following:
            times, contractual and outsourced personnel         •  Thermal scanning of all employees and visitors at
            deployed through the manpower agencies have            entry point.
            been paid salaries without any deductions  in the   •  The  status  of  all  employees  is  checked  on  the
            lockdown period.                                       Aarogya Setu App in their mobiles at the office
             Medical support to address health crisis
                                                                •  Biometric  attendance  replaced  through  card
            •  Contact details of Medical Consultants/ hospitals   punching for contactless entry.
              shared  with all employees  for consultation/     •  Facilitation of Work from Home for most of the
              advice in case of emergency.                         employees.
            •  Health talks by medical consultant and webinars   •  Meetings  through  Virtual  platforms  for  video
              by  doctors from leading hospitals have been         conferencing.
              organised for employees to guide them to fight    •  Staggered  seating  at  each  floor  with  limited
              the pandemic and resolve associated issues viz.      employees present in the office.
              anxiety, stress, busting myths etc.               •  Travel advisory issued by GoI circulated among
                                                                   employees and all overseas travels stopped.
            Innovation, R&D and Technological
            breakthrough                                        •  Employees returning from foreign travel asked to
            •  EIL’s R&D department which is equipped with      •  A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been
              laboratory facilities to complement the company’s    framed and implemented before resumption of
              research efforts in the oil & gas sector, took upon   work in all offices.
              itself  the  task  of  preparing  hand  sanitizers  in-  •  Regular  sanitization  of  the  entire  office
              house.  WHO  approved  formulations  of  hand        including entry gates, lifts, sitting areas,
              sanitizers  were  explored  and  the  formulation    washrooms etc.
              finalized.  The  raw  materials  required  for  the   Awareness Campaigns
              same were then sourced  overnight and a batch
              prepared for use within the company. The overall   Regular  awareness  campaigns  were  launched  by
              objective was to reduce the strain on the market   EIL to sensitize its employees and stakeholders on
              demand  for  sanitizers  wrought  by  the  global   the risks and preventive steps to minimize infection
              pandemic.                                         in alignment with the communication  strategy of
            •  An  innovative  approach  of  ‘Remote  Inspection’   Ministry of Health. Focused campaign was done in

            78    Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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