Page 110 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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in all peripheries of the life. In this direction,
            HAL  Unit  at Lucknow  has  taken an  initiative to
            digitize its Township through a Mobile App-’Meri
            Township’which  enables the residents  of HAL
            Township to register their maintenance complaints
            without   physically   visiting  the   Township
            Maintenance Office. This in-house developed App
            provides a simple interface for logging complaints
            in  different  categories  like  Electrical,  Civil,
            Horticulture,  Plumbing,  Carpentry  etc.  which  are
            attended by township maintenance office and status
            is updated on App.

            Contact  less  Sanitizer  Dispenser  Machine,  Foot
            Operated Door Opener, Equipment’s for sanitization
            of different types of surfaces, Foot Operated Water
            Valves  etc  were  developed  in-house  &  placed  in
            the identified locations. To avoid physical contact,
            Official  File  Movement  are  being  done  through   at shopping complexes inside township in order
            company  developed  E-file  system.  Further,       to maintain social distancing.
            interactions/meetings/interviews etc are being
            done only through Video Conferencing.               Awareness Campaigns
                                                                The employees have been sensitized on COVID -19
            Preventive Measures for the (Organization           Pandemic  by  conducting  Awareness  Sessions  by
            and Employees)
                                                                Medical Professionals.
            HAL has taken multiple steps to implement
            various measures to prevent the spread of           Standard  Operating  Procedures  (SOPs)  to  be
            COVID-19 and ensure the safety & well being of      followed  by  the  employees  inside  the  Factory,
            its  employees  both  inside  the  Factory  premises   Townships are put in place and communicated to
            and the Township. These measures include            all  employees  through  internal  Circulars/Notices.
            thermal scanning  of all  entrants  at  all the  gates   Posters/Banners  etc  have  been  displayed  in  the
            of  the  Factory  as  well  as  Township,  earmarking   work places.
            of circles at Time Gates for incoming Employees
            in order to maintain social distancing, use of Fire
            Tender for spraying disinfectants for sanitization
            inside  Factory  and  Township,  frequent  visit
            of factory area by security representatives for
            ensuring that social distancing is maintained and
            that employees & contract labours are wearing
            Face Masks, etc. Efforts have been made to ensure
            the safety of Township residents. Arrangements
            have been made for supply of vegetable/ grocery
            items inside township so as to facilitate minimum
            movement out of township, earmarking of circles

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