Page 114 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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centres for the migrant labourers. Further, NALCO
handed over 50,000 nos. of cotton face masks to
District Administration, Angul for distribution.
About 225 nos dry food packets and other essential
items were distributed on several occasions to the
migrant labourers entering to the city, who were
struggling to earn a single meal a day. Further, 4500
nos. face masks were distributed to daily wagers,
passers-by and vendors.
Distribution of biscuits, facemasks & soaps
effectively combatting COVID-19 crisis.
About 5000 nos. of face masks and equivalent soaps Preventive Measures (for the Organisation and
were distributed at 12 migrant labourers’ colonies. Employees)
Further 2000 nos. of face masks were sent to nearby
Nabarangpur where 200 bedded NALCO sponsored Prevention is better than cure. In line with the
COVID hospital was inaugurated. Relief Materials requirements to address upon COVID-19 pandemic,
containing soaps & biscuits were dispatched to nose masks distribution, sanitisation in plants,
District Collector, Damanjodi for the migrant offices, market complexes, townships, hospitals,
labourers in quarantine centres. 24,496 nos. masks periphery villages, roads, thermal scanning at plant
& 12,244 soaps were distributed in 49 peripheral main gates, offices etc. carried out.
villages for people who are mostly labourers. Awareness Campaigns
Medical support to address health crisis
• As per Govt. guidelines and directives, COVID-19
Showing commitment and solidarity with the awareness and preventive initiatives were
home state Odisha, in the fight against COVID-19 undertaken by the Company at all its operational
pandemic, NALCO has funded an exclusive 200 Units and Offices.
bedded COVID-19 hospital at Nabarangpur, a part • For creating awareness on COVID-19, hoardings,
of undivided Koraput, Odisha. The 200 bedded standees and banners were displayed at strategic
hospital will have medical facilities exclusively for locations in the office and township and message
treatment of COVID-19 patients. One time financial of NALCO employed sports persons of National
assistance of Rs. 147 lakh has been funded towards & International repute uploaded in the social
infrastructure and Rs. 26 lakh per month towards media of NALCO.
recurring expenditure of staff salary and related • Initiatives through audio-visual communication
expenses. The 200 bedded hospital will have medical to build awareness and engage with internal and
facilities exclusively for treatment of COVID-19 external stakeholders during the ongoing COVID-19
patients and dedicated to undivided Koraput where pandemic. Keeping in view the unprecedented
this is located. situation, audio-visual communication materials
Innovation, R&D and Technological in the forms of short clips, press releases, do’s
breakthrough and don’ts leaflets, banners, posters and creative
bulletin videos, were circulated through twitter,
NALCO encouraged ideas of our employees to facebook, instagram, e-newsletter etc. Some of the
fabricate and make sanitisation tunnel with in-house audio-visual tools used:
expertise and resources with the sole objective of - Use of Digital display platform with audio-
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