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visual effect in corporate office and site offices.  conducted to ensure effectiveness. SOP developed
              -  Distribution of leaflets, display of banners and   to implement  strict compliance, ensuring
                 posters at Corporate office, site offices, plants   minimisation of the impact.
                 and townships for wide circulation of do’s and   •  Press Releases issued on the significant initiatives
                 don’ts with regard to prevention of COVID-19.     taken by NALCO.
            Any other Significant Measures taken                •  Exclusive COVID-19 Bulletin videos prepared for
            by the Company                                         wider circulation among employees and external
                                                                   stakeholders, in digital platforms and circulated
            •  Due to lockdown, corporate office was functioning   through  WhatsApp  groups  and  social  media
              in  restrictive  manner  in  residence  offices  and   channels.
              in townships but, all the production units were   •  As per DOPT guidelines training program have
              operational during this period. Corporate office     been conducted for medical and para medical staff
              at Bhubaneswar coordinated all the activities with   covering IGOT courses on DIKSHA platform.
              sites & Ministry through video conferencing.      •  Extensive use of NALCO’s social media platforms
            •  To  address  the  essential  activities  during  lock-  like Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
              down period since 23.03.2020 onwards,  all        •  Dedicated  messages  put  up  across  digital
              proposals were processed through  approvals,         platforms to publicize the need to install and use
              sanctions  accorded  on line by digital modes,       the Aarogya Setu App by employees and visitors.
              facilitating smooth and integrated functioning of
              all production units, port facility, regional offices   NALCO has adopted a purposeful approach amidst
              and corporate office.                             the COVID-19 pandemic where, consistent efforts
            •  The employees also contributed Rs 2.6 Crore, their   putforth  towards  combating  COVID-19  is  self-
              one  day  salary,  to  the  Odisha  Chief  Minister’s   explanatory as evident in the foregoing paragraphs.
              Relief  Fund  –  COVID  Fund  as  a  kind  gesture   NALCO  is  still  in  the  process  of  addressing  the
              towards combating the pandemic.                   issue with utmost gravity in a sustained manner
            •  Advisories  were  issued  by  NALCO  mapped      and strive to achieve the best care of its employees
              to  Government  guidelines  steering  an  effective   and society at large as a responsible corporate
              monitoring  mechanism.  Regular  review  was      entity.

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