Page 103 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 103

Awareness Campaign
                                                                •  CONCOR’s  Health,  Safety  and  Environment
                                                                   Deptt. has circulated Ministry of MSME’s Video
                                                                   Clip  for  safe  and  healthy  operations  during
                                                                   COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                •  Do’s and Don’ts were issued.
                                                                •  Pamphlets printed, circulated and displayed in a
                                                                   conspicuous manner.
                                                                •  All  employees  have  installed  “Aarogya  Setu
                                                                   App” in their mobiles.
                                                                Any Other Significant Measures Taken by the

                                                                •  COVID-19  has  provided  opportunities  for
                                                                   disruptive  innovations  which  was  quickly
                                                                   recognized by CONCOR’s leadership with focus
                                                                   on Mitigating People Risk, eye on environment,
                                                                   and vision on social obligation to ensure essential
                                                                   supply  chain  and  protect  the  finance  bottom-
                                                                   line. The leadership provided clear vision and
                                                                   engaged in continuous communications, adopted
                                                                   new business processes to serve and protect the
                                                                   social,  environmental  and  financial  interest  of
                                                                •  CONCOR  continued  to  work  round  the  clock
                                                                   during lockdown and contributed in maintaining
                                                                   supply chain of essential commodities across the
                                                                   country to serve the nation. CONCOR provided
                                                                   relief  to  the  trade,  CONCOR  has  waived-off
               section at all locations, to boost their immunity   ground rent charges on all containers/cargo,
               for healthier and fitter CONCOR. Yoga Instructor    container detention charges & late payment
               has also  been engaged to train staff to practice   surcharge for all its EXIM & Domestic Terminals
               Yoga.                                               upto  17.05.2020.  Details  of  essential  and  other
                                                                   commodities  supplied  by  CONCOR  during
            In  this  regard,  CONCOR  kept  its  internal         COVID-19  period  upto  17.05.2020  is  given
            communications  updated by framing out its own         below:
            Schedule of Procedures (SoPs) from time to time in
            maintaining absolute alignment in congruence with    S. N.      Commodity Type           Tonnage
            Govt. instructions and guidelines. Guidelines in this
            dated  05.06.2020.  This  has  successfully  sanitized   1.  FMCG Products                21421
            all employees  and  Business  associates  within       2.  Food Grains                    180684
            CONCOR  with  new  normal  of  safe  and  healthy      3.   Pulses                        54339
            working practices important for business continuity    4.  Other Commodities              402322
            and economic development.                                  Total                          658766

            76    Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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