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to use ventilator with in-house resources. The • Vivekananda Bani Prachar Samity (NGO) has
device is at trial stage. supplied hand sanitizers at a subsidized rate.
• DSP MAHILA SAMAJ has provided following
Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP)
Following activities/initiatives have been carried - Preparation of curtains for Isolation Ward.
out in collaboration with voluntary groups at - Preparation of surgical gowns for Surgeons
Rourkela Steel Plant: and Nursing staffs.
• CSR department of Rourkela Steel Plant has - Supply of masks inside Plant’s premises.
organised COVID-19 awareness programs • Ambulance provided by Sankalpa Seva Pratisthan
(before lockdown period) to educate the villagers Foundation (NGO), Durgapur at a subsidized rate
from 15 nos. of peripheral villages including both for transportation of COVID-19 suspect patients
Resettlement colonies & Model Steel Villages – from inside the Plant Medical Unit and Main
of Rourkela Steel Plant. Self Help Group (SHG) Hospital, DSP.
have helped CSR Department for distribution • NGOs in and around Durgapur like Durgapur
of Leaflets showing precautions & preventive Friends Club, Vivekananda Vikash Parishad
Ichapur, Sankalpa Seva Pratisthan Foundation,
Mukto Chinta and Durgapur ADDA Young
Association, have expressed their interest
to deliver voluntary services in context to
sanitization and cleaning programmes in and
around DSP hospital. They have also opted for
collection and delivery of routine medicines to
aged retired employees (follow up patients). They
have also offered for voluntary blood donation, if
• Rotary Club of Durgapur is providing PPEs,
N95 masks, hand sanitisers, gloves and infrared
Thermometers free of cost to DSP for use in DSP
Main Hospital.
measures of COVID-19 among Villagers.
• Deepika Mahila Sanghati, an NGO supported by Raw Materials Division (RMD) of SAIL
RSP has supplied 2700 masks to Ispat General • The following activities have been undertaken by
Hospital for their internal use. SAIL, RMD in the peripheral villages of the mines
• Start of Corona virus Testing Facility at Ispat of RMD in Jharkhand:
General Hospital. - ‘Annadan’ being provided to poor &
• Provision of five ventilators to State Administered needy people at night in liaison with local
COVID Care Centre. Administration-1256 people covered from
• Distribution of Ration kit by RSP, in consultation 29.3.2020 so far & continuing.
with local elected representatives. - Providing transport facility to Poorvi &
Paschimi Panchayats, Gua to distribute
Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP)
cooked food to poor people in the peripheral
Initiatives and activities undertaken in collaboration areas of Gua under the “Didi kitchen” scheme
with voluntary sector to contain COVID-19 of the Govt of Jharkhand w.e.f. 5th April, 2020
pandemic. onwards.
62 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19