Page 90 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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- Providing transport facility to Officers’ Other mines of SAIL, RMD have also distributed
Association, Gua, SAIL to distribute cooked uncooked food items, soaps, face masks, sanitizers,
food to poorest of the poor people in the etc., to the respective peripheral villages.
CSR villages of Gua w.e.f. 22nd April, 2020
onwards. Central Marketing Organisation (CMO)
Activities undertaken by Manoharpur Ore Mines Total 300 numbers of dry food packets have been
(MOM), Chiria distributed by SPUs at Jagdishpur & Kandrori under
Central Marketing Organisation of SAIL amongst the
• ‘Annadan’ being provided to 250 poor & needy people residing in and around the respective
needy people every day in liaison with local peripheral areas. The distribution was done in close
Administration. Around 3000 poor & needy people coordination with District Administration.
have been provided food under the scheme w.e.f.
03.04.2020 till 17.04.2020 and is still continuing. Salem Steel Plant (SSP)
Special attention is being given to around 25 Initiatives/activities undertaken by Salem Steel
people of Birhore family of Binua village. Plant:
• Special communication exercise for employees • Salem Steel Plant’s CISF Unit Fire Engine was
conducted by Doctors on COVID-19. provided to Maramangalathupathy Village
• Medical camps and distribution of soaps & cotton Panchayat to spray disinfectant in and around all
face masks in nearby CSR villages. peripheral villages.
• Awareness campaign being undertaken in the • Under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna
Township as well as the nearby CSR villages Yojna through CSR Scheme 2020-21, SAIL Ration
through public address system & distribution Kits were distributed to the poor families of
of pamphlets in Hindi (regional language) from peripheral villages i.e. Ambedkar Nagar and
8–10th March, 2020 (in the 1st phase) & w.e.f. 19th MGR Nagar of Maramangalathupathy Panchayat
March, 2020 till date. The languages of speaking and Dasanaickenpathy of Pagalpathy Panchayat
in these villages are Ho (the local language), Odia and others. Around 400 Nos of Ration kits worth
and Hindi. Rs.500/- each consisting of 13 Nos of grocery
• Distribution of pamphlets to Mahila Samiti to materials distributed at various panchayats in the
spread awareness amongst women. vicinity.
• Salem Steel Plant is continuously providing
Preparation and Distribution of Masks and drinking water 24x7 to all nearby peripheral
gamchas by Self Employment groups
villages in this crisis situation.
• Tribal people engaged in the following self-
employment centres run under the aegis of Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Plant (VISP)
CSR of the respective mines have prepared and Annadaan
distributed the masks for various stakeholders: • 150 Ration kits comprising of food items like
rice, dal, oil, salt, sugar etc. have been distributed
Self-Employment Mines No. of For
Centre masks under Anndaan to the needy, migrant labour and
nomadic tribes.
Kiran, Kiriburu KIOM 5000 MoS/PMO/CO
Sanitation Activities
Kiran, Kiriburu KIOM 2000 local villagers
• To provide proper sanitation at work place,
Soubhagya, MIOM 1600 local villagers
Meghahataburu cleaning and spraying of disinfectant at work
Aashayen Gua GOM 2700 local villagers spots inside the Plant and at main gate have been
Aashayen Gua GOM 2000 DM, Chaibasa undertaken.
Steel Authority of India Limited 63