Page 4 - Newborn & Childrens Prep Guide
P. 4
Scheduling your Newborn Session
Newborns are photographed in the morning only. We book up to 2 newborns a day at
9am and 11am. The babies under two weeks are scheduled at 9am and babies over 2
weeks are scheduled at 11am.
Babies 4-6 weeks are scheduled at 11 or 1.
Newborn babies under 2 weeks generally are best first thing in the morning as they
have been up all night. As they get older they are more awake in the morning, which is
why we will schedule the older babies a tiny bit later.
We have learned from experience that newborns in the afternoon or early evening are
generally not as comfortable and therefore we do not photograph newborns at this
Newborn scheduling is ideal when done in advance, however; we accommodate new
bookings daily. Kendra does have a demanding schedule, and planning in advance en-
sures that newborn sessions are able to be booked. If a newborn session has not been
scheduled in advance, we do ask that clients call or email within 24 hours of giving
birth with the newborn statistical information.
Our wish is for healthy wonderful deliveries, however; we know that complications or
postpartum recovery delays do happen.