Page 9 - Newborn & Childrens Prep Guide
P. 9

Breast Feeding Food Guide

                 This list is a helpful guide of common foods to avoid while nursing. These foods typically

                  affect babies under 6 weeks of age. As they get older, introduce foods one at a time to

                 see how they are affected. Every baby is different, please consult with your Pediatrician.

                Citrus Acidic foods and drinks such as:                   Gassy Vegetables such as:

                Cranberries                                               Asparagus

                Pineapple                                                 Onions

                Grapefruit                                                Cucumbers—pickles

                Oranges                                                   Broccoli

                Lemons                                                    Cauliflower

                Strawberries                                              Brussels Sprouts

                All berries                                               Cabbage

                Tomatoes or tomatoes products

                Chocolate (rarely affects baby)

                Peanuts or nuts in general




                Tacos—Spicy foods

                Restrict—Soda, coffee, tea Wine & Beer
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