Page 2 - Magazine
P. 2
Healthy eating makes us good fun way, that is, arrange what you eat
so that you add the food of the plate
People currently consume junk food
of good eating in your meals and give
that harms their health. People could
it a good flavor.
eat fruits and vegetables which are
rich in vitamins and minerals. Actually
I would prefer to eat them, instead of
junk foods and in this way be healthy.
Personally, I would not like to have
health problems in the future. This I
On the other hand it is also could avoid in the future eating
convenient to include cereals, foods healthy, you could avoid these
of animal origin, legumes, among problems by feeding yourself well.
others. When you eat them, you
would like to arrange your food in a
Artist Selena Marie Gómez
Selene Marie Gómez brown an 22 Millons singles
july 22 1992 is a american world wide. She has
singer and acctres acording worked with various
to Billaboard Gomez has charitable organizations
soald over 7 millons ablums for years.
And became a UNICELF ambassandr
at the age of seventeen the family