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P. 5

Japanese  territory  can  trigger  an           performance  takes  place  in  the

                  armed escalation.                               Bumbódromo  (Cultural  and  Sports
                                                                  Center Amazonino Mendes), a type of
                  The  threat  of  cyber  attacks  comes
                                                                  stadium  with  the  shape  of  a  stylized
                  from Russia, China and North Korea,
                                                                  ox  head,  with  a  capacity  for  35
                  as  well  as  non-state  actors  such  as
                                                                  thousand spectators. During the three
                  Anonymous:  the  ability  to  wreak
                                                                  nights of presentations, the two oxen
                  havoc  is  growing,  especially  when
                                                                  explore the regional themes, such as
                  security vulnerabilities are large.
                                                                  legends,    indigenous     rituals   and
                  Finally we believe that if the problems         customs  of  the  ribereños  through

                  were solved well on the problem, the            allegories  and  scenarios.  The  Folk
                  problem could have been solved.                 Festival of Parintins became a means

                                                                  of spreading the local culture.
                  The Folk Festival of Parintins

                  The  Flok  Festival  of  Parintins  it  is  a

                  popular  festival  held  annually  on  the
                  last  weekend  of  June  in  the  city  of

                  Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil, isn’t it?

                                                                  White ox, symbol of Boi Garantido

                                                                  The  festival  has  been  held  since
                                                                  1965.  It  has  had  several  locations

                                                                  such as the block of the Cathedral of

                                                                  Our Lady of Mount Carmel, hasn’t it?,
                  Presentation at the Bumbódromo.
                                                                  the  block  of  the  extinct  CCE,  or  the

                  The     festival    is   an     open-air        Tupy  Cantanhede  Stadium.  Until  in
                  performance, where two associations             1987,    the    Amazonas       governor

                  compete: Boi Garantido, red, and the            attended  the  festival,  in  the  same
                  Capricious       Boi,     blue.      The        place where the Bumbódromo is, but
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