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the last 20 years. This is revealed by          the  riskiest  years  we  had  seen,"

                  Eurasia      Group,      a     company          insists Eurasia.
                  specializing in identifying global risks,
                                                                  According  to  the  report,  there  is  no
                  which  presented  a  report  on  the  ten
                                                                  leadership.  "The  US,  under  the
                  most  serious  threats  for  the  coming
                                                                  command  of  Donald  Trump,  is  not
                                                                  going  to  rescue  anyone  from  the

                  Ian  Bremmer,  president  of  Eurasia,          crisis, the European Union is focused
                  says  in  the  presentation  of  the            on  its  own  crises  and  China  is

                  document  that  2018  arrives  full  of         emerging,  but  it  has  no  leadership."
                  political      challenges:        liberal       These  are  the  10  biggest  risks  the

                  democracies  have  less  legitimacy             world will face.

                  than  at  any  time  since  World  War  II
                                                                          Danger of an accident
                  and most problems seem to have no
                                                                  The  likelihood  of a  major  geopolitical
                  solution. “If we had to choose a year
                                                                  crisis  (North  Korea,  terrorism,  cyber
                  for a big unexpected crisis, we could
                                                                  attacks)  increases.  An  error  in
                  have been placing it within 20 years”.,
                                                                  calculation  or  judgment  could  trigger
                  we  would  say  it's  2018,"  says
                                                                  an  international  conflict  of  capital
                                                                  proportions, since there is no longer a

                                                                  guarantor  of  global  security  and
                                                                  proliferation  of  non-state  actors  with

                                                                  destabilizing  capacity.  According  to

                                                                  Eurasia, a cyberattack or missile tests
                                                                  from    North    Korea     that   reach

                  Why the pessimism? The progressive

                  decline  of  US  influence  in  the  world
                  and  geopolitical  pressure  will  set  the

                  course  for  this  year.  "2018  is  one  of
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