Page 3 - June Flipper
P. 3

Inside This Issue                                 Editorial Director
                                                        Ms. Juney “June”

      June is a busy summer month.  Drinking plen-       Editor-in-Chief
      ty of water, managing skin care and being safe      Michelle Stein
      and staying positive are big parts of summer
      fun and development.                              Assistant Editor
                                                         Casey Weinberg
      This  month’s  issue  takes  a  look  at  twin  lan-
      guages, managing your blog if you have one        Graphic Designer
      and why speech therapy tends to fail.               Anthony Pike

      Great  tips  on  exercise  for  busy  people,  our
      Kiddie  Korner  interview  with  Miss  Gianni   Subscriptions & Service
      Belk  from  Charlotte,  NC  and  this  months’   1 Year subscription:  $24.00
      food  recipe  will  certainly  serve  your  reading   Frequency:  12 times per year
                                                   Slips Digest /Write to us:
      As always Slips Digest is always long on con-  845 Bell Road
      tent and motivation.   Be blessed and  enjoy!   Suite 113
                                                   Antioch, TN 37013
      Slips Digest
      Editorial Director                           Toll Free:    1-800-684-3156
      Juney June                                   Email:
                                                 Subscribe to Slips Digest

                            Copyright ©2019 Slips Digest
                       Printed in U.S.A  ISSN:  9-770232-541220
     All  rights  reserved.    Printed  and  manufactured  in  the  US.    Slips  Digest  is  published
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     right to edit, comment, title and departmentalize editorially and will be thereupon be-
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     the sole discretion of Slips Digest.  Nothing appearing in Slips Digest may be reprinted
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     the Publisher.

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