Page 8 - June Flipper
P. 8

What Are You Feeding Your Skin                              Slips Digest
      By:  Kristie Kennedy

                                            rived from my new pink grapefruit face
                                            wash.    It  was  a  cute  package  with  a
                                            great  aroma  but  the  ingredients  were
                                            adverse  resulting  in  contact  dermatitis.

                                            How  many  of  us  carelessly  apply  cos-
                                            metic  product  after  product  not  thor-
                                            oughly  knowing  the  long  term  affects
                                            they could possibly have on our bodies?
                                            Did you know that women who use tal-
                                            cum  powder  in  the  genital  area  are
                                            known  to  have  an  increased  chance  of
                                            ovarian cancer?

                                            The  safest  products  for  your  skin  care
                                            are  those  that  are  completely  natural.
                                            As  you  seek  a  daily  skin  care  regime
                                            select topical product lines that have the
                                            least  amount  of  chemical  substances.
                                            There  are  many  alternative  solutions
                                            such  as  Aloe  Vera  plant  for  healing;
                                            lemons may be used as a skin lightener
                                            and  natural  astringent.    Additionally,
                                            raw  eggs  can  be  used  as  a  tightening
                                            agent for loose skin.
       In  today’s  brand  driven  economy,  bil-
       lions  of  dollars  are  spent  creating  the   Consider your diet intake and remember
       most  appealing  packages  from  cos-  the best friends of your skin are whole-
       meceuticals  to  cleaning  products.  As   some foods.  Typically, what we ingest
       consumers  of  skin  care  products  we   will begin to reveal itself externally.  If
       must  become  business  savvy  in  the   you have acne prone skin, begin to ex-
       overall buying process to avoid adverse   amine  thoroughly  your  dietary  habits.
       health results.                      If  you  consume  foods  high  in  glucose
                                            and lack the proper amount of water the
       On any given day we take in hundreds   aging process will be accelerated.
       of  varied  chemicals  into  our  body  and
       when we experience an allergic reaction   If we take a more proactive approach to
       it  is  challenging  to  pinpoint  the  exact   skin care it will result in us feeling bet-
       source of our irritation.            ter about ourselves and as a result there
                                            would be decreased visits to the plastic
       During  one  of  my  travel  excursions  in   surgeon’s  office.  The  road  to  vibrant
       the  midst  of  hurrying  and  scurrying  I   skin begins with you asking a very im-
       hastily picked up a face wash after inad-  portant  question,  “Is  what  I’m  feeding
       vertently leaving mine at home.  A day   my body the best there is?”
       or two later I had an itching rash on the
       side of my neck that persisted for sever-

       al days.  I immediately knew that it de-  Subscribe to Slips Digest
       7      June 2019
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