Page 7 - June Flipper
P. 7
A SLP business blog is an online mar-
keting tool that provides great business
opportunities in one click. Blogs are
user-friendly, customized and flexible
for disseminating information for effec-
tive positioning of your SLP services in
the market. SLPs engaging in business
blogging have an edge over its competi-
tors. Here are some advantages:
* Word-of-Mouth. In a survey, there are
currently 14 million blogs with 80,000
more being added each day and about paste in with your blogs, your website
30 percent of the 50 million users are URL. Be sure that your blogs contain
blog readers. Imagine how much gain exclusive information with value and
you will have as a SLP if your services are always updated to keep clients pop-
are actively advertised through blogs. ping in to read your blog and click on
With Internet, information spreads so again for updates.
quickly especially if an impressive
write-up goes with your services and * Blog is like a setup booth in the big-
experience to your clients. gest trade show on earth everyday. Mar-
keting possibilities are just around the
* Awareness and loyalty. Open commu- corner waiting to strike your sale scales
nication with your clients creates trust up. Chances of people finding your
and loyalty among them. Being there to website leading to your blog are in-
respond to their questions and com- creased. More traffic means more po-
ments make them all the more willing tential clients. Here are three quick tips
to try your SLP services. to help with blogging for your SLP ser-
* Feedback. Blogs are good for research
and reviews. It would be easier to im- 1. Study blog design. Blog hosting ser-
prove on your services if you observe vices provide pre-designed templates.
your client’s thinking and behavioral But if you opt for paid blog service, you
patterns. You can also take immediate can ask your artist to design and layout
action to your rectify any concerns. your blog site to match the identity and
needs of your SLP services.
* Community halo-effect. Bloggers are
reasonable, friendly and helpful. They 2. Choose a topic. Its good to have a
are more than willing to create a blog- line-up of topics you want for your
osphere of comments regarding your blogs but be sure they are in sync with
services. The only thing you have to do your business objectives and services.
is embrace and take active part in the This would be a test of your flexibility
culture and your services will surely be and open-mindedness since results may
considered as they remain committed be going against set objectives of the
and provide referrals. industry.
* For better marketing results, actively 3. Lastly, strive to be consistent with
promote your SLP business blog by your topics all the time to solidify your
submitting your blog to blog search position as an expert with the SLP ser-
sites and directories. Do not forget to vices you offer.
June 2019 6