Page 4 - In Focus Newsletter_May 2019
P. 4
Best Practices in Evaluating and Improving
School Climate
In this month's brief, Hanover
Research identifies common
definitions and dimensions of school
climate, and discusses best practices
related to school climate evaluation
and improvement.
The first section, Understanding
School Climate, discusses the challenges and importance of defining school climate and its various
dimensions, as well as the research connecting school climate with a variety of student outcomes.
Section two, Evaluating School Climate, goes on to review various local measures of school climate
and discuss school climate surveys specifically. Finally, the third section, Improving School Climate,
highlights recommended standards to support school climate improvement, a process to guide
improvement efforts, and other related best practices.
D o w n l o a d t h e R e s e a r c h B r i e f
Research and Resources for Equitable
and Safe Schools
It is critical that we discuss the role of
schools in preventing violence. This
resource guide aims to provide
complementary research and resources
that explicitly address the school setting
and align to the four levels identified by the
CDC’s model that address factors that put
people at risk for or protect them from
experiencing or perpetrating violence, as
well as prevention strategies: Individual,
Relationship, Community, and Societal.
R e a d t h e R e s o u r c e G u i d e