Page 26 - MSTI Namibia.Personal Lines.Home Car.1June 2018 Version 3_Final
P. 26
4. All risk cover
What does all risk refer to?
All risk refers to personal possessions, which are usually taken out of the home and which
belong to you or to any members of your household who live with you.
E.g. Clothing, jewellery, Kruger rands, photographic equipment and travel luggage can be insured in
this section.
The insured value
The insured value noted on your schedule is the maximum amount we will pay for any claim,
less the excess, any dual insurance and under-insurance.
You need to insure your possessions for the replacement value of each item. This is the cost
of replacing your lost or damaged items with new ones. If you insure any item for an amount
less than its replacement value, we will pay you proportionately for that item.
All-risk items
Possessions insured in this section fall into one of the following categories:
Unspecified all risk
As “unspecified” suggests, this section covers a variety of items you wear or carry with you;
these could change from day to day and it would be impossible to list them each time you
need them covered. These items are therefore automatically covered for the overall
maximum value you choose. Within this overall limit there is a maximum value per item, of
20% of the overall limit you choose, up to a maximum of N$ 5000 per item. The items noted
below cannot be included under the unspecified all risks:
Cell phones and electronic items (they must be specified individually on you schedule)
Contact lenses, spectacles or sunglasses, stamps and/or coin collections
Money or credit cards, deeds, bonds or exchangeable bills, securities or cheques
Specified all risk
Any item with a value of more than 20% of the maximum value you choose for
unspecified all risk or more than N$5,000 must be specified.
Items excluded under unspecified all risk above must be specified.
If you choose N$20,000 as the maximum value, all items in excess of 20% of that (N$4,000)
must be specified.
Where are you covered?
All-risk items are covered anywhere in the world.
What is covered under all-risk cover?
Loss of or damage to unspecified and specified possessions